In this section of our site, you will be able to find the different analyses and comparisons we have prepared on school and district level performance. All of our analyses are based on publicly available data obtained from the Colorado Department of Education and other sources.
We are preparing these reports for three reasons. First, to fill gaps in the public analyses currently prepared by CDE, Colorado School Grades, and other parties. Second, to make more “user-friendly” analyses of student achievement results available to parents, business leaders, and other interested parties (anybody who has struggled to slog through a “Student Performance Report” will know how important this is). And third, because twhen the same issue is analyzed by different parties using different methodologies, the combination of their findings inevitably increases (often by a substantial amount) the accuracy of the resulting conclusion. And in this specific case, we very strongly believe that having an accurate perception of the true state of student achievement in Colorado is of the utmost importance to parents, employers, higher education institutions, legislators, and K12 leaders.
We are preparing these reports for three reasons. First, to fill gaps in the public analyses currently prepared by CDE, Colorado School Grades, and other parties. Second, to make more “user-friendly” analyses of student achievement results available to parents, business leaders, and other interested parties (anybody who has struggled to slog through a “Student Performance Report” will know how important this is). And third, because twhen the same issue is analyzed by different parties using different methodologies, the combination of their findings inevitably increases (often by a substantial amount) the accuracy of the resulting conclusion. And in this specific case, we very strongly believe that having an accurate perception of the true state of student achievement in Colorado is of the utmost importance to parents, employers, higher education institutions, legislators, and K12 leaders.