Special Education | K12 Accountability
Special Education Students Research

You can find an extensive (if depressing) review of student achievement performance by Special Education (IEP) students in recent years in Boulder Valley, Cherry Creek, Denver, and Jeffco here.

In 2015, the LA Unified School District commissioned an outside assessment of its Special Education Division. The report concludes that it “has reached a point of crisis by almost every measure.” This raises an obvious question: What would the same assessment conclude about your district’s special education programs?

More recently (in April 2016), Jeffco public schools received the results of a comprehensive review of its special education programs by an outside consulting firm, that had been requested by the Board of Education. While the report does not make for uplifting reading, it is a positive step in the right direction, in so far as problems that aren’t acknowledged will never be resolved.

The Atlantic also published an article that was highly critical of IEPs.

Much more encouraging is this article about special education success in Baltimore, and this overview of shifting trends in special education.

This article asks a provocative question: Can Special Ed in America be fixed?

And this article makes a critical point that too many overlook: Neurodiversity can provide organizations with a new source of competitive advantage.