K12 Pension Issues
Like many other states, Colorado faces a growing public sector pension funding crisis. Anybody who doubts the existence and severity of this crisis need only review the many news stories and reports collected below.
We believe that the ultimate resolution of this crisis, at least for the schools pension plan, will depend in considerable measure on the extent to which K12 is willing and able to substantially improve student achievement results before the full force of the onrushing crisis hits our state budget. Our contention, based on experience in Alberta, is that substantial improvements in student achievement results will make it much easier to convince voters to spend more on K12 pensions and avoid either increases in employee contributions or cuts in future benefits.
The logic behind this conclusion is quite straightforward. Absent dramatic improvements in investment returns or falls in retirees’ expected lifetimes (both of which seem highly unlikely today), there are only four ways to resolve the defined benefit pension funding shortfalls facing Colorado.
(1) Raise taxes, and increase employer (school district) contributions to the pension plan;
(2) Do not raise taxes, but cut other K12 program spending (e.g., materials, sports, music, arts, technology, counselors, etc.) to pay for higher employer contributions to the pension plan;
(3) Do not raise taxes or employer contributions, but instead raise employee contributions to the pension plan to more than the current 8% rate. This would reduce employees’ take-home pay.
(4) Do not raise taxes or employer or employee contributions, but instead reduce future pension benefits.
That’s it.
Of course, at this point somebody will always suggest that issuing a huge pension bond is the magic bullet solution to our problem. It isn’t, at least under the conditions that pension beneficiaries would like to see.
To simplify, in a pension bond transaction, some entity issues billions in bonds, and the proceeds are given to the pension fund (e.g., PERA) in exchange for the fund’s contractual agreement to make principal and interest payments on the bonds. One underlying assumption in a pension bond deal is that the pension fund will earn a higher rate of return on the invested proceeds than the interest rate it has to pay on the bonds. But what if this isn’t the case (and it usually isn’t, as pension returns fluctuate while the bond interest rate remains constant)?
Pension beneficiaries will argue that if the pension bond deal doesn’t pay off, then taxpayers will have to cough up more funds to avoid any cuts in pension benefits. In essence, the pension bond deal they want is “heads I win, tails you lose.” Most taxpayers will rightly argue that this shouldn’t be the case, since beneficiaries willingly took on more risk by leveraging up their retirement fund (i.e., by turning it into a leveraged hedge fund).
The only way a pension bond deal makes sense is if pension beneficiaries agree to cut their benefits if it doesn’t work out. And that seems unlikely to happen. So a pension bond proposal will likely turn into political kryptonite.
So if members of PERA’s schools fund really want to help themselves, they will pull out the stops to substantially improve achievement results within their current budgets. If they don’t — if they continue to resist painful changes — then Colorado could soon find itself in the same ugly end game that is already playing out in other states. (For more on this issue, read “Five Forces are Driving Three End Games in K12.”)
News Stories from 2016 and 2017 on the Public Sector Pension Crisis (Newest First)
Analytical Reports on the Public Sector Pension Crisis (Newest First)
Like many other states, Colorado faces a growing public sector pension funding crisis. Anybody who doubts the existence and severity of this crisis need only review the many news stories and reports collected below.
We believe that the ultimate resolution of this crisis, at least for the schools pension plan, will depend in considerable measure on the extent to which K12 is willing and able to substantially improve student achievement results before the full force of the onrushing crisis hits our state budget. Our contention, based on experience in Alberta, is that substantial improvements in student achievement results will make it much easier to convince voters to spend more on K12 pensions and avoid either increases in employee contributions or cuts in future benefits.
The logic behind this conclusion is quite straightforward. Absent dramatic improvements in investment returns or falls in retirees’ expected lifetimes (both of which seem highly unlikely today), there are only four ways to resolve the defined benefit pension funding shortfalls facing Colorado.
(1) Raise taxes, and increase employer (school district) contributions to the pension plan;
(2) Do not raise taxes, but cut other K12 program spending (e.g., materials, sports, music, arts, technology, counselors, etc.) to pay for higher employer contributions to the pension plan;
(3) Do not raise taxes or employer contributions, but instead raise employee contributions to the pension plan to more than the current 8% rate. This would reduce employees’ take-home pay.
(4) Do not raise taxes or employer or employee contributions, but instead reduce future pension benefits.
That’s it.
Of course, at this point somebody will always suggest that issuing a huge pension bond is the magic bullet solution to our problem. It isn’t, at least under the conditions that pension beneficiaries would like to see.
To simplify, in a pension bond transaction, some entity issues billions in bonds, and the proceeds are given to the pension fund (e.g., PERA) in exchange for the fund’s contractual agreement to make principal and interest payments on the bonds. One underlying assumption in a pension bond deal is that the pension fund will earn a higher rate of return on the invested proceeds than the interest rate it has to pay on the bonds. But what if this isn’t the case (and it usually isn’t, as pension returns fluctuate while the bond interest rate remains constant)?
Pension beneficiaries will argue that if the pension bond deal doesn’t pay off, then taxpayers will have to cough up more funds to avoid any cuts in pension benefits. In essence, the pension bond deal they want is “heads I win, tails you lose.” Most taxpayers will rightly argue that this shouldn’t be the case, since beneficiaries willingly took on more risk by leveraging up their retirement fund (i.e., by turning it into a leveraged hedge fund).
The only way a pension bond deal makes sense is if pension beneficiaries agree to cut their benefits if it doesn’t work out. And that seems unlikely to happen. So a pension bond proposal will likely turn into political kryptonite.
So if members of PERA’s schools fund really want to help themselves, they will pull out the stops to substantially improve achievement results within their current budgets. If they don’t — if they continue to resist painful changes — then Colorado could soon find itself in the same ugly end game that is already playing out in other states. (For more on this issue, read “Five Forces are Driving Three End Games in K12.”)
News Stories from 2016 and 2017 on the Public Sector Pension Crisis (Newest First)
- Another City Eyes Chapter 9
- The Path to Public Pension Reform
- Taxation Without Reformation
- Blue State Budget Breakdowns
- Past Time to Put PERA on a Path Towards Solvency
- PERA Hits Critical Juncture
- Next Car on the State Bankruptcy Train
- Don’t Bail Out Failed States Like Illinois
- Pension Treadmill is Accelerating
- State Pension Plans Paper Over Unfunded Liabilities
- Illinois Credit Rating Heads to Junk
- The Illinois Meltdown
- Rating Agency Questions Pension Returns
- No Half Measures on PERA Reform
- US Faces Pension Crisis
- Connecticut’s Fiscal Woes
- Isle of Indebtedness
- The Cruelty of Blue
- Most Teachers Get a Bad Pension Deal
- Insolvent Island
- Puerto Rico Debt Crisis Worse than Argentina
- Puerto Rico Debt Crisis
- Revamping Retirement Systems
- Collapsing Pensions Are The Next Financial Crisis
- California’s Pension Crisis Arrives
- Puerto Rico’s Pension Ponzi Scheme
- Pensions Con New Teachers
- Public Pension Ponzi Schemes
- Predictable US Pension Crisis
- Teacher Pension Ponzi Scheme
- Teacher Pension Plans Are Among the Worst in the Country
- California Pension Meltdown Hits Schools Hard
- PERA Reforms Necessary Again - Taxpayers Should Be Shielded
- PERA at Risk of Insolvency
- PERA Pension Board Must Bite the Bullet on Needed Reform
- Another Government Pension Scandal
- CALPERS to Propose 7% Return Assumption
- Pension Collapse in Dallas
- Pension Crisis of the Future
- More Taxes Go to K12 Pensions
- Are Government Pension Plans Underfunded by $5 Trillion?
- Another Way Pension Liabilities are Mismeasured
- Loyalton CA Pension Crisis
- Public Pensions Overoptimistic
- Orgeon Faces Pension Truth
- Building US Pension Crisis
- Two Sets of Public Pension Books
- NYT Exposes Public Pensions Charade
- Sleight of Hand in Sacramento
- California Constitution Not a Suicide Pact
- Crumbling Pension Assumptions
- Public Pension Liabilities Mismeasured
- Huge Puerto Rico Pension Hole
- Pensions: Low Yield High Stress
- Blue Civil War Illinois Edition
- Actuarial Establishment Tries to Suppress Explosive Paper on Public Pensions
- Pensions Last Defense is Eroding
- Pensions Disaster is Avoidable
- Puerto Rico Crisis Coming to the Mainland
- Public Pension Problem Much Worse Than It Appears
- Public Pensions Under Tougher International Accounting Standards
- Pension Debt Exceeds $40K per Household
- Public Pensions Crisis Hard to Fix
- Covering Up the Pension Crisis
- US Faces Disastrous Pension Funding Hole
- Not Just Puerto Rico
- What Happens in Puerto Rico Will Not Stay in Puerto Rico
- Chicago Pensions Nightmare
- Pension Fund That Ate California
- Problems Pile Up for US Public Pensions
- US Public Pensions Squeeze Budgets
- Pension Fears Cloud US Municipal Debt Market
- Pension Systems Recalibrating
Analytical Reports on the Public Sector Pension Crisis (Newest First)
- Public Pension Plan Contribution Indices
- Strategic Selection of Public Pension Plan Policies
- Grading State Teacher Pension Plans
- Rising Pension Costs Force Higher Ed Cuts
- The State Pension Funding Gap
- Hidden Pension Debt 2017 Update
- Dallas Pension Crisis Brief
- Brookings Pension Report
- Financing State and Local Pension Obligations
- Public Pensions in Flux
- Hidden Pension Debt 2016
- PERA’s Problems 2016
- Pension Shortfalls and State and Local Budgets
- Pensions Crowd Out K12 Spending
- JPM Pensions Analysis
- Intergenerational Inequality in Teacher Pension Plans
- Suppressed Actuaries Paper on Public Pension Plans
- PERA’s Uncertain Future
- Diminishing Long Term Equity Returns
- Funding Public Pensions in the Future
- Teacher Pension PacMan
- Funding Discipline for US Public Pension Plans
- AEI Analysis of Public Pension Funding
- Teacher Pensions Negative Returns
- Pew Pensions Update
- Teacher Response to Pension Incentives
- Pension Reform Politics in Four States
- Improving Public Pensions
- Teacher Pensions in Colorado
- Friends Without Benefits
- Reforming Pubic Public Pensions